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A sulfonic acid functionalized zirconium-based metal organic framework for the selective detection of copper(II) ion.
A. Rana, S. Nandi, S. Biswas, New J. Chem., 2022, 46, 10477-10483. |
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Two birds with one arrow: functionalized Al(III) MOF acts as a fluorometric sensor of dopamine in bio-fluids and recyclable catalyst for Biginelli reaction.
S. Ghosh, N. Nagarjun, S. Nandi, A. Dhakshinamoorthy, S. Biswas, J. Mater. Chem. C, 2022, 10, 6717-6727. |
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Rapid Recognition of Fatal Cyanide in Water in a Wide pH Range by a Trifluoroacetamido Based Metal-Organic Framework.
A. Rana, C. Gogoi, S. Ghosh, S. Nandi, S. Kumar, U. Manna, S. Biswas, New J. Chem., 2021, 45, 20193-20200. |
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Fluorogenic naked eye turn-on sensing of hypochlorous acid by a Zr-based metal organic framework. S. Nandi, S. Ghosh, M. SK, S. Biswas, New J. Chem., 2021, 45, 14211-14217. |
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Metal-organic framework (MOF) derived recyclable, superhydrophobic composite of cotton fabrics for the facile removal of oil spills.
R. Dalapati,+ S. Nandi,+ C. Gogoi, A. Shome, S. Biswas, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 2021,13, 8563–8573. (+ Equal contribution) |
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Acetoxy functionalized Al(III) based metal-organic framework showing selective “turn on” detection of perborate in environmental samples.
S. Nandi, H. Reinsch and S. Biswas, Dalton Trans., 2020, 49, 17612-17620 |
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Rapid switch-on fluorescent detection of nanomolar level hydrazine in water by a diacetoxy functionalized MOF: Application in paper strips and environmental samples.
S. Nandi, M. SK and S. Biswas, Dalton Trans., 2020, 49, 12565-12573. |
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Post-synthetic modification of a metal-organic framework with chemodosimeter for rapid detection of lethal cyanide via dual emission.
R. Dalapati, S. Nandi, S. Biswas, Dalton Trans., 2020, 49, 8684 - 8692. |
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A diamino functionalized metal-organic framework for fluorometric recognition of free chlorine in environmental water samples.
S. Nandi and S. Biswas, Microporous Mesoporous Mater., 2020, 299, 110116. |
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A vinyl functionalized mixed linker CAU-10 metal-organic framework acting as a fluorescent sensor for the selective detection of H2S and palladium(II).
S. Nandi, H. Reinsch and S. Biswas, Microporus Mesoporous Mater., 2020, 293, 109790. |
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Fluorescence modulation of an Aggregation-Induced Emission active ligand via rigidification in a coordination polymer and its application in singlet oxygen sensing.
R. Dalapati, S. Nandi, K. Van Hecke and S. Biswas, Cryst. Growth Des., 2019, 19, 6388-6397. |
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An ultra-robust luminescent CAU-10 MOF acting as a fluorescent turn-off sensor for Cr2O72- in aqueous medium.
S. Nandi, A. Mondal, H. Reinsch and S. Biswas, Inorg. Chim. Acta, 2019, 497, 119078. |
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A recyclable post-synthetically modified Al(III) based metal-organic framework for fast and selective fluorogenic recognition of bilirubin in human biofluids.
S. Nandi and S. Biswas, Dalton Trans., 2019, 48, 9266-9275. |
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A phthalimide functionalized UiO-66 metal-organic framework for the fluorogenic detection of hydrazine in live-cells.
M. SK, M. R. Uz Zama Khan, A. Das, S. Nandi, V. Trivedi and S. Biswas, Dalton Trans., 2019, 48, 12615- 12621. |
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Metal-organic framework showing selective and sensitive detection of exogenous and endogenous formaldehyde.
S. Nandi, E. Sharma, V. Trivedi and S. Biswas, Inorg. Chem., 2018, 57, 15149-15157. |
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Selective sensing of peroxynitrite by Hf-based UiO-66-B(OH)2 metal-organic framework: Applicability to cell imaging.
M. SK, S. Nandi, R. K. Singh, V. Trivedi and S. Biswas, Inorg. Chem., 2018, 57, 10128 -10136. |
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Fluorogenic naked-eye sensing and live-cell imaging of cyanide by hydrazine functionalized CAU-10 metal-organic framework.
R. Dalapati, S. Nandi, H. Reinsch, B. K. Bhunia, B. B. Mandal, N. Stock and S. Biswas, CrystEngComm, 2018, 20, 4194-4201. |
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A dinitro-functionalized metal-organic framework featuring visual and fluorogenic sensing of H2S in living cells, human blood plasma and environmental samples.
S. Nandi, S. Banesh, V. Trivedi and S. Biswas, Analyst, 2018, 143, 1482-1491. |
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Rapid and highly sensitive detection of extracellular and intracellular H2S by an azide-functionalized Al(III)-based metal-organic framework.
S. Nandi, H. Reinsch, S. Banesh, N. Stock, V. Trivedi and S. Biswas, Dalton Trans., 2017, 46, 12856-12864. |